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Darryl Hart Kyle Lee Darryl Hart Kyle Lee

What the Church can Learn from Benjamin Franklin

Darryl Hart is a church historian and author of many books, including Benjamin Franklin: Cultural Protestant; American Catholic: The Politics of Faith During the Cold War, and A Secular Faith: Why Christianity Favors the Separation of Church and State. His talk will explore how the church is called to be in dialogue with our unbelieving neighbors in the world, or in the words of Christ, "in the world, but not of the world.” Drawing on his recent book, he will show what the church can learn from secular thinkers such as Benjamin Franklin, and what Ben Franklin can learn from the church.


Darryl Hart is a church historian and author of many books, including Benjamin Franklin: Cultural Protestant; American Catholic: The Politics of Faith During the Cold War, and A Secular Faith: Why Christianity Favors the Separation of Church and State. His talk will explore how the church is called to be in dialogue with our unbelieving neighbors in the world, or in the words of Christ, "in the world, but not of the world.” Drawing on his recent book, he will show what the church can learn from secular thinkers such as Benjamin Franklin, and what Ben Franklin can learn from the church.

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Darryl Hart Kyle Lee Darryl Hart Kyle Lee

Michael Gerson & Darryl Hart: The Future of Evangelical Politics

Christ Reformed Church convened a roundtable discussion with Michael Gerson (Washington Post columnist and former speechwriter for President Bush), Darryl Hart (Hillsdale College) and Terry Eastland (Publisher of The Weekly Standard) to discuss "The Future of Evangelical Politics."

Darryl Hart discussed his book, "From Billy Graham to Sarah Palin: Evangelicals and the Betrayal of American Conservatism." Michael Gerson also discussed themes from "Heroic Conservatism" and "City of Man: Religion and Politics in a New Era."

Romans 13 

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Darryl Hart Kyle Lee Darryl Hart Kyle Lee

John Calvin and American Calvinism

“Only in America would Calvinism be one of Time magazine's top ten ideas for the twenty-first century,” said Dr. Hart. “The beauty of Calvinism has often been in the eye of the beholder. Nineteenth-century Calvinists also did their fair share of adapting Reformed Christianity for an American environment. Those accommodations are still very much with us, and they are the subject of my talk.”

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